Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thing 1.

All right...I've been blogging off and on for a couple of years now and thought that this might be a waste of my time, quite frankly, but I'e already learned something with this very first 'thing.'

I'm quite familiar with HTML and other scripting languages and I've generally made template changes straight into the code section of the template. By following the directions I discovered that there is actually a much easier way to insert a gadget, widget, avatar, or other function.

Maneuvering through the web and inter-active programs, such as blogging, has definitely gotten easier. The internet is not just a tool for reading and writing and shopping (all relatively passive activities), but it is ACTIVE. It is FUNCTIONAL. It is geared toward the average user ... that's you and me, folks! Let's play!


aurora said...

Welcome to 23 Things on a Stick! I'm glad that we found something for you to consider, even with the introductory Thing 1. Your excitement is contagious, too. I'm looking forward to seeing how you choose to play.

I know the link to the other SELS participants' blogs is on the front page, but I'm including a link to it here as a way of encouraging you to go out and help create community among the members.

Ann said...

Congrats on getting started with 23 Things on a Stick!

SELCO staff and over 100 library staff and trustees will be working through the program as well. We hope to have fun along the way and will offer the opportunity for regional prizes to all who complete the program by National Library Week. Enjoy!

Ann Hutton at SELCO